
OpenWeatherMap API Practice

Practicing API documentation After being rejected at some of my interviews for Technical Writing positions, I realized that my skill-set lack a strong basic understanding of API documentation and testing, in general. This was the time when I got a bit more into online courses about different development languages, but after I encountered this same problem several times, it was time to initiate some changes. That is how I found the most helpful resource for Technical Writers wanting to broaden their skill-set: I’d Rather Be Writing. ...


FreeCodeCamp Portfolio

List of my completed assignments On this page you can find my completed assignments as included in different courses on freeCodeCamp.org. Note: All the API microservices are hosted on Glitch. Note: All the Quality Assurance solutions are hosted on Repl.it. Using the above-mentioned two tools to host, I managed to get a good understanding of these platforms. However, for editing purposes I found easier creating a local clone of the GitHub repository, pushing it to a new remote repository, and hosting them from my own GitHub repository. ...