
What are you going to do with that? - Being a philosopher in IT

Disclaimer This assignment was submitted as part of my Methods and Skills 2 seminar during my Research Master Programme at Radboud University Nijmegen. It has not been published by any official publishers, so here I publish it as a practice. What are you going to do with that? - Being a philosopher in IT ‘Ohh, and what are you going to do with a philosophy degree?’ - this question probably sounds familiar for a lot of us, being asked sometimes mockingly, sometimes condescendingly at family gatherings or while getting to know new people. ...


Is Game Theory a good model for explaining altruism?

Is Game Theory a good model for explaining altruism? Disclaimer This assignment was submitted as part of my Philosophy of Mind and Language 1 seminar during my Research Master Programme at Radboud University Nijmegen, and received a final grade of 8.5/10. It has not been published by any official publishers, so here I publish it as a practice. Introduction In my essay, I am trying to answer the question of whether using Game Theory or specifically the Prisoner’s Dilemma is a tenable approach towards explaining altruistic behavior from an evolutionary perspective. ...


Radboud Reflects Review

Review for a Radboud Reflects event This assignment was completed as part of my Methods and Skills 1 seminar during my Research Master Programme at Radboud University Nijmegen. You can watch the video of whole event here: My task was to write a short review about the event, you can find it here and below. Science of Relaxation On 9 December, two experts gave a lecture on “The Science of Relaxation”: Anne Speckens, a psychiatrist known of her research on mindfulness and mental processes playing a role in the development of depression and anxiety, and Martin Dresler, a neuroscientist known for his work on cognitive processes occurring during sleep and their role in different cognitive functions. ...


OpenWeatherMap API Practice

Practicing API documentation After being rejected at some of my interviews for Technical Writing positions, I realized that my skill-set lack a strong basic understanding of API documentation and testing, in general. This was the time when I got a bit more into online courses about different development languages, but after I encountered this same problem several times, it was time to initiate some changes. That is how I found the most helpful resource for Technical Writers wanting to broaden their skill-set: I’d Rather Be Writing. ...


FreeCodeCamp Portfolio

List of my completed assignments On this page you can find my completed assignments as included in different courses on freeCodeCamp.org. Note: All the API microservices are hosted on Glitch. Note: All the Quality Assurance solutions are hosted on Repl.it. Using the above-mentioned two tools to host, I managed to get a good understanding of these platforms. However, for editing purposes I found easier creating a local clone of the GitHub repository, pushing it to a new remote repository, and hosting them from my own GitHub repository. ...