
FreeCodeCamp Portfolio

List of my completed assignments

On this page you can find my completed assignments as included in different courses on freeCodeCamp.org.

Note: All the API microservices are hosted on Glitch.

Note: All the Quality Assurance solutions are hosted on Repl.it.

Using the above-mentioned two tools to host, I managed to get a good understanding of these platforms. However, for editing purposes I found easier creating a local clone of the GitHub repository, pushing it to a new remote repository, and hosting them from my own GitHub repository.

APIs and Microservices Course

These are the submitted solutions for the APIs and Microservices Certification challenges section:

  1. Timestamp Microservice
  2. Request Header Parser Microservice
  3. URL Shortener Microservice
  4. Exercise Tracker
  5. File Metadata Microservice

Quality Assurance Course

These are the submitted solutions for the Quality Assurance Certification challenges section:

  1. Metric-Imperial Converter
  2. Issue Tracker Note: This solution is hosted on Glitch due to some errors with MongoDB occurring on Repl.it.
  3. Personal Library Note: This solution is hosted on Glitch due to some errors with MongoDB occurring on Repl.it.
  4. Sudoku Solver
  5. American British Translator

In these challenges the goal was to build test assertions with Chai for the APIs above, so that you can look at the Functional and Unit Tests, here are my source codes:

  1. Metric-Imperial Converter Repository
  2. Issue Tracker Repository
  3. Personal Library Repository
  4. Sudoku Solver Repository
  5. American British Translator Repository

Information Security Course

These are the submitted solutions for the Information Security Certification challenges section:

  1. Stock Price Checker
  2. Anonymous Message Board
  3. Port Scanner
  4. SHA-1 Password Checker
  5. Secure Real Time Multiplayer Game

Data Analysis with Python Course

These are the submitted solutions for the Data Analysis with Python Certification challenges section:

  1. Mean-Variance-Standard Deviation Calculator
  2. Demographic Data Analyzer
  3. Medical Data Visualizer
  4. Page View Time Series Visualizer
  5. Sea Level Predictor

Most projects were completed by the golden ‘Read, Search, Ask’ method, whenever I encountered some difficulties I consulted either: